Mental Health Awareness Month
MENTAL HEALTH Health Observances
Every year millions of Americans are affected by a mental illness, one in five adults to be exact. Some of the most common warning signs of a mental illness are withdrawal, feelings of sadness, overwhelming fears, significant weight loss or gain, or even excessive use of alcohol and drugs. Despite these symptoms, most individuals receive treatment 11 years after symptom onset. Treatments such as medication, therapy, and even self-care have made it possible for those experiencing a mental illness to adjust to daily living. It’s also important to know that 17% of youth experience a mental health disorder as well, not just adults. Mental illness is a challenge not only to the individual but also their friends, family, and even their community. There are many ways to reach out for help if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health disorder. Talking with a professional, educating yourself, or showing or getting support can make a world of difference in getting the right help.
National Alliance on Mental Illness 2020